Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Emerson, Lake and Palmer - From The Beginning

The whole notion of "gateway drugs" has always seemed like greater and lesser versions of bullshit to me. If you have an addictive nature, everything is a gateway. If you don't, then nothing is a gateway.

But if such a thing as a gateway toward something akin to an addiction really does exist, then this song by the great Emerson Lake and Palmer was my gateway to progressive rock.

I first heard "From The Beginning" on WKQQ (Double Q) back in the mid-1970's when it was a free-form FM station that gave the DJ's a lot of leeway in what they played. They don't swing that way anymore. Too bad. Deep album tracks were a staple of the station's playlist at the time, and I listened anytime I was anywhere near the station's Lexington, KY home base.

I didn't get to hear the station very often, but I was rewarded richly when I did. Even better, one of the local stations I frequented happened to play "Roundabout" by Yes one afternoon as I was tuned in (they never played it again that I can recall) around the same time. Great song, and Chris Squire's bass part still kills, by the way.

I was hooked. I was, and still am, a prog rock junkie. And I'll never apologize for it.

Yeah, I love the odd time signatures, the arcane chords, the lyrics that can be...well, kinda goofy. But the level of musical talent it takes to pull off such intricate and complex compositions just fascinates and impresses me in good ways. I'll never not love prog rock. It's a nerd badge I'll wear with honor from now on.

Enjoy prog rock too? Here are some links to help feed the need:

Progression Magazine
Progressive Rock and Progressive Metal 

USA Progressive Music
Sea Of Tranquility

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