It was the early 1980s, and I was on my way home from work at Ben Williamson Supply Company, a big hardware store in Ashland, KY where I worked in retail sales. At the time the retail floor sales staff still were segregated by department: if you were assigned to paint and building supply, you didn't sell hand tools and small accessories; if you sold tools, you didn't sell electrical supplies. The plumbing supply section had its own building across the back parking lot and alley, so there was very little crossover. I worked in the paint and building department, and there I remained all day. It was a pain in the ass for the sales folks, but an even bigger pain for the customers, and the days could get stressful. A little music on that drive home was not just nice, it often was necessary.
On the trip in question, a song came on the radio, "I Couldn't Say No" by Robert Ellis Orrall and Carlene Carter. Written by Orrall, it was about as perfect a pop song as I'd ever heard to that point. The rhythm was rolling and a bit insistent, with a spare, single-note style bass line. The acoustic piano repeated a simple motif as an electric guitar came in with an equally simple rhythm. And those voices. It was a classic old call-and-response boy/girl duet, telling a somewhat teenaged-type story (it's actually a pretty smart and well-crafted lyric). Yeah, perhaps a little hokey, but it was so nicely done, and Orrall and Carter's voices worked together beautifully.
And I only heard that song one time. One single time. I never managed to catch it again on local radio.
All I caught were the artist's names. No song title. Nothing. After searching the bins at National Record Mart (anyone old enough to remember those?) numerous times, I gave up. But I remembered.
Years later, the Internet happened, and finally I found that song I'd been looking for. It was just as good as I remembered.
It's still a joy to hear all these years later. So, play it again? I couldn't say no...
Gotta agree, love love love it, have for years! So disappointed though, up until now I've been able to listen to it on spotify until they removed it... happens all the time. And since you can only buy the used 45 on Amazon, I'm forced to listen to it on YouTube now. Whadda ya gonna do!?!